Exclusion of a temporary joint venture from a public-procurement procedure for having failed to lodge, with its tender, a declaration of acceptance of a legality protocol aimed at combating criminal activity: Impresa Edilux and SICEF (C-425/14)
Demystifying Australian Defence Procurement: Insight into Law and Policy
On 28 March 2014, the new procurement directives were published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The EU Member States are obliged to implement them into their national legal systems before 18 April 2016. The present article aims at providing an overview of the main elements of this reform. Where appropriate, certain aspects will be discussed in greater detail, including those which might be relevant for those EFTA States that are part of the European Economic Area (“EEA”).
Werner Miguel Kühn
PDF: UrT 2015-2-Kuhn – Särtryck.pdf
Volym: no 2
Sida: s. 150
År: 2015