Upphandlingspolicies – ett par betraktelser
Utrymmet för den upphandlande myndighetens bedömning vid kvalificering av leverantörer
”In the United States, a common refrain about GDPR is that it is unreasonable, unworkable, an insane piece of legislation that doesn’t understand how the Internet works, and a dinosaur romping around in the Digital Age. But the GDPR isn’t designed to be followed as precisely as one would build a rocket ship. It’s an aspirational law. Although perfect compliance isn’t likely, the practical goal of the GDPR is for organizations to try hard, to get as much of the way there as possible. The GDPR is the most profound privacy law of our generation. Of course, it’s not perfect, but it has more packed into it than any other privacy law I’ve seen. The GDPR is quite majestic in its scope and ambition. Rather than shy away from tough issues, rather than tiptoe cautiously, the GDPR tackles nearly everything”. (https://teachprivacy.com/why-i-love-the-gdpr)
När jag hösten 2018 tillfrågades om att moderera seminariet ”Upphandling i annan lagstiftning” på Upphandlingskonferensen, där den nya förvaltningslagen skulle diskuteras i ljuset av konkurrensrätten och dataskyddslagstiftningen (eller vice versa), blev det dags att sätta mina tankar på pränt.